DreamWorks Animation.
DreamWorks animation - is an American film company that creates media products that are than distributed by Paramount Pictures like the franchises of Shrek, Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, Monsters vs. Aliens, and How to Train Your Dragon. Now I would like to talk about the film which I chose.
Shrek Forever After
Shrek Forever After - is a computer-animated fantasy comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation in 2010. This film was directed by Andrew Adamson, Kelly Asbury and Conrad Vernon and was based on the William Steig's picture book with the same name. The main Purpose of this film is to entertain the public in the age group from 7 - 16 years old. As this film was segmented for children this film have to have some amazing characters which would grab children attention. Those are the examples of those characters:
- Shrek - is an ogre which is the main character of the whole 4 films about Shrek. This person is soppose to make the worst actions that the human represet. An ogre (feminine ogress) is a being usually depicted as a large, hideous, manlike monster that eatshuman beings. ( This information have been taken from this website ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogre )). This means that Shrek or ogre is an human looking animal which hasn't got any feelings, but instead, in whole 4 films, Shrek represented that he is a Hero by doing different actions like he saved a princess for a castle, helped donkey then he was nearly sold to Prince Farquaad, helped a huge amount of animals whose house have been taken away from them by Prince Farquaad). According to Vladimir Propp's list of methodical characters Shrek represents a hero because he saved the princess and helpen a lot of methodical characters.

- Princess Fiona - is an amazing looking princess which have been plagued by a curse which terns her in to the ogre an night but the love kiss would return her normal look therefore her parents are deciding to lock her in the old castle which is looked after a huge dragon. Her role in the film is really important because she was dreaming about an amazing looking prince which would kill the dragon and will come and save her, but instead, ugly looking ogre sneaking in to the castle, tricks the dragon and instead of kissing the princess he is driving her to the Prince Farquaad, who is a tiny human, without any morals and good actions in his head. In the end she realises that Shrek in not a bad creature and understands him more. In the end she fells in love with him and decides to forget all her dreams about being beautiful and live with a prince and changing all of that to being an ogre for the rest of her live a have a normal life. According to Vladimir Propp's list of methodical characters, Princess Fiona represents a " the princess or prize and her father " because she is a character which have to be saved.
Donkey - is a euphoric and talkative character, who also has a sweet tooth and hates spiders. This character was designed to entertain the viewer and it did his job. More then 20% of the audience were buying this film after they have seen this film. In merchandising, Donkey's toys were the most successful to be sold. His film lines were remembered for more than 4 years. Eddie Murphy called Donkey "a really positive character. He's always looking at the bright side of everything, trying to work it out. A happy-go-lucky donkey." In the film, Donkey represent the best friendship you can ever find in life. He was always helping Shrek out even when his live was in big danger. According to Vladimir Propp's list of methodical characters, Donkey represents a " Donor" because he is a character which have helped Shrek a huge amount of times during the film.

Vladimir Propp ( Russian folklorist and scholar ) who have created a list of typical character that could be found in films and literature.
- The villain — struggles against the hero.
- The dispatcher— character who makes the lack known and sends the hero off.
- The (magical) helper — helps the hero in their quest.
- The princess or prize and her father — the hero deserves her throughout the story but is unable to marry her because of an unfair evil, usually because of the villain. The hero's journey is often ended when he marries the princess, thereby beating the villain.
- The donor — prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object.
- The hero or victim/seeker hero — reacts to the donor, weds the princess.
- The false hero — takes credit for the hero’s actions or tries to marry the princess.
Here are technical characteristics of the movie.
Shrek Forever After - is a computer-animated fantasy comedy film. It's budget was $150 million and such stars as Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz and Antonio Banderas were involved in creating this movie. For its genre which is comedy Shrek has all the main characteristics. It has funny characters which is the main feature for a comedy genre. Also, best story writers put a great effort in creating a story which would be funny and interesting.
Production process
This image represents DreamWoks's animated filming process.
This image have been taken from DreamWoks's annual report for 2010. There is a link for their website ( http://www.dreamworksanimation.com/2010AR/docs/114527_008_DreamWorks_BMK.PDF )
DreamWorks - is a huge company which creates an amazing animated movies. To create those kind of films, they should have a solid professional team of artists which could create and explain what thw film is about what they want in the different areas.
After they have created a plot, there is a time for one of the most important parts in the film - Script. Every amazing film is based on good explanation to the viewer the whole idea of the film in words which can differentiate a good film from a incomplete student Media work. Therefore big companies like DreamWorks Animation have hired a huge amount of professionals in communicating with public. They have to make script as powerful, funny, interesting and sensitive as they possibly could.
Analysis of a sequence from the film "Shrek Forever After" :
Now I would like to show you my favourite part in this film. It is Shrek's children birthday party and everyone from different films are in this party. Huge celebration for all his family, but Shrek is getting annoyed with everyone and everything what is happening e.g Fiona asks for a birthday cake with candles, small fat kid is asking him constantly to do the famous ogre roar, children is crying and more things are happening. In the end he have done his famous road, smashed the birthday cake and left the room.
Now I will analyse some shots of this sequence. There are 4 areas which I would like to cover :
- Camera
- Editing
- Sound
- Mise-en-scene
1st shot :
Camera:This is a wide shot which gives a huge impact on the viewer by showing the full Pinocchio's body while he is dancing and the light makes the colour brighter in this sequence. Camera is not moving, which make a viewer look straight in the middle of this scene ( right on Pinocchio )
Sound: The sound is constant as the music is playing and in the same time, Pinocchio is singing and you can hear the people on the background. This gives a feel that you are actually is sitting in the theater and listening to what is happening.
Mise-en-scene: In this shot, you can see a Pinocchio dancing and singing on the scene and entertaining Shrek's friends and family.
2nd shot:
Camera: This is a medium closeup. This shot represent how ugly and annoying is the kid which is asking Shrek to do the roar. After this shot viewer will understand that Shrek in not in a very good position and this kid will get what he wants.
Sound: in this shot you can hear over people in the scene, this kid talking, Shrek talking and all those components create a feel that you are actually in this place.
Mise-en-scene: overall, everything what is happening in this scene linked very good and makes you believe that you are involved in this sequence and the film is real.
Sound: in this shot you can hear over people in the scene, Shrek talking and all those components create a feel that you are actually in this place.
Mise-en-scene: overall, everything what is happening in this scene linked very good and makes you believe that you are involved in this sequence and the film is real.
Sound:in this shot you can hear over people in the scene, screaming his name out and all those components create a feel that you are actually in this place.
Mise-en-scene: overall, everything what is happening in this scene linked very good and makes you believe that you are involved in this sequence and the film is real.
Sound: The sound is constant as the music is playing and in the same time, Pinocchio is singing and you can hear the people on the background. This gives a feel that you are actually is sitting in the theater and listening to what is happening.
Mise-en-scene: In this shot, you can see a Pinocchio dancing and singing on the scene and entertaining Shrek's friends and family.
2nd shot:
Camera: This is a medium closeup. This shot represent how ugly and annoying is the kid which is asking Shrek to do the roar. After this shot viewer will understand that Shrek in not in a very good position and this kid will get what he wants.
Sound: in this shot you can hear over people in the scene, this kid talking, Shrek talking and all those components create a feel that you are actually in this place.
Mise-en-scene: overall, everything what is happening in this scene linked very good and makes you believe that you are involved in this sequence and the film is real.
3rd shot :
Camera: This is over the shoulder shot. This gives an idea and a clue that those people are talking and Shrek is responding. This is the best way to show his emotions in this talk.Editing:
Sound: in this shot you can hear over people in the scene, Shrek talking and all those components create a feel that you are actually in this place.
Mise-en-scene: overall, everything what is happening in this scene linked very good and makes you believe that you are involved in this sequence and the film is real.
4th shot :
Camera: This is a shot. This shot represent that Shrek in the middle of attention and everyone is expecting something from him. This puts him under pressure and this might make him angry. Editing:
Sound:in this shot you can hear over people in the scene, screaming his name out and all those components create a feel that you are actually in this place.
Mise-en-scene: overall, everything what is happening in this scene linked very good and makes you believe that you are involved in this sequence and the film is real.
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